A critical practice of thinking otherwise: Bacchi, Gender and Public Policy Analysis

“A critical practice of thinking otherwise: Bacchi, Gender and Public Policy Analysis” is the framing of a special issue of Feminismo/s a multi-disciplinary journal of the University of Alicante Research Institute for Gender Studies (IUIEG).  This issue was guest edited by WISE Deputy Director, Dr Angela O’Hagan, and uses Carol Lee Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be’ as the theoretical lens for interrogating a range of public policy issues.  Contributors include WISE researchers Leanne Wilson and Jim Campbell  on Gender mainstreaming in action? The Scottish Structural and Investment Funding Program 2014-2020; Dr Nina Teasdale on Flexible Working in the UK: interrogating policy through a gendered Bacchi lens; and Angela O’Hagan on the evaporation of gender equality in public policy and a close up on integrating equality and human rights analysis in human rights teaching – Bacchi as pedagogy: Surfacing equality and human rights in public policy teaching.

The full issue can be found at https://feminismos.ua.es/issue/view/2020-n35 ; http://rua.ua.es/dspace/handle/10045/107615








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