2021 Nursing graduate Lynsay Brown shares her insight into life at GCU and life after graduating from university.
I chose to study at GCU because…
I chose GCU as the nursing simulation labs are very realistic and are a great place to learn nursing skills before going into practice.
The most important aspect of my university experience has been…
The most important aspect of my university experience was my nursing placements, these gave me invaluable experience and opportunities to learn and improve my skills.
I’m proud to be part of the University for the Common Good because…
I’m proud of finishing my degree and becoming a registered nurse while working in the hospital during the pandemic.
My next steps look like…
I am now a registered nurse working with the vaccination teams administering Covid vaccines and in the future and I will be nursing in the community.
You are most likely to bump into me…
My favourite place on campus was the library, it was a good place to meet and have a coffee while studying.
Thank you to Lynsay for sharing her GCU experience, if you would like to share your #GCUGradStory visit: https://bit.ly/3C4zNqY
For more information on how to apply to GCU visit: Undergraduate | GCU
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