“GCU exceeded every hope and expectation I had.”

2022 International Business graduate Lauryn Robin Hamilton shares her insight into life at GCU and life after graduating from university.

I chose to study at GCU because…

After jumping from Midwifery to Neurosurgery and Accountancy all between different colleges, I knew I wanted to go to university, specifically one that offered a wide range of opportunities. I am multi-faceted/multi-passionate by nature so I really wanted to feel like I had the freedom to choose and that I could tap into multiple things that would spark my interests while also feeling assured and content with my choices. The opportunity to study International Business at GCU allowed me to explore various subjects without feeling constricted. I was also able to stay close to home without compromising on the student experience. I’ve always felt that the campus has such a homely and inclusive feel.

The most important aspect of my university experience has been…

The most important aspect of my university experience has been the people. I have always maintained from the very beginning that to earn my honours degree would be lovely, but I was there to meet wonderful people that had the potential to change the trajectory of my life. I can honestly say that the people I have met at GCU are of a different calibre. If I got to do it all again just to meet the people I have I would walk that path over and over again. That was always the goal and GCU exceeded every hope and expectation I had.

My biggest lesson learned so far is…

My biggest lesson learned so far is that “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we don’t yet see; it is stepping out on nothing and landing on something”. Those who know me will know that I always say that, but it is something that hit me quickly after coming to GCU. I had only just turned 19 at the time, and although I know that we always have further to go I felt fully aligned and at peace with my decisions that year. I quickly applied to GCU after realising I didn’t like the path I was on; I didn’t know what I was stepping out on but in the pursuit of something I once believed was far beyond me I found the best gratification of my life. GCU showed me that my impulsiveness is actually my biggest asset and blessing. I have often been guilty of trying to control every aspect of my life in the hope of attaining “perfection”, I know now that the questionable and even the poor decisions we make will ALWAYS lead us to the best days of our lives. Patience and the will to move yourself forward even when you feel stuck will be the values that allow you to change your own life.

I’m proud to be part of the University for the Common Good because…

I am proud to be part of the University for Common Good because I genuinely see how they work to add value to people, just as it has done for me. The people and the student experience are at the forefront.

I get my inspiration from…

I get my inspiration from my younger self. My 10-year-old self saw the vision before it was a reality and my 22-year-old self owed it to her to bring it to fruition. Academic fulfilment is not everybody’s goal, but I have always been open about how important it was for me to go to university and gain my honours degree. However, being the first in my family, meant it wasn’t solely about the opportunity to earn an academic accolade but the privilege to write a new narrative. I have said before that it was never about breaking generational cycles but rather a strong desire and sense of purpose to be found in creating new ones where education is highly valued and can open many doors. If it could pass anything on to the children, I haven’t met yet but hope to raise one day it is the sentiment that they should pursue whatever vision has been planted in their mind; they are capable and they should strive to do things for themselves because it is always worth it. If you earn it yourself it can never been taken from you. It will always be yours.

My next steps look like…

My next steps look like… further education in some form… just to prove to myself that I can do it. I hope to continue working on my business as I’ve met some wonderful people and no two days are the same. The beauty industry is something I never pictured myself in long-term but it’s proven to be another lesson in surprise and humility. I also hope to continue writing about mental health, well-being and overall personal development. I started reading and writing for fun two years ago but as I started sharing with other people it is something that I have found real joy and purpose in.

You are most likely to bump into me…

By the beach… it’s my happy place.

Thank you to Lauryn for sharing her GCU experience, if you would like to share your #GCUGradStory visit: https://bit.ly/3C4zNqY 

For more information on how to apply to GCU visit: Undergraduate | GCU

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