Antimicrobial Stewardship Nurses in Practice: Exchanging Experiences Between Scotland and Brazil

AMS team at Ninewells Hospital

By Dr Dayana Souza Fram, affiliate Professor of Federal University of Sao Paulo and Infection Preventionist Nurse of Hospital São Paulo, academic visitor of the Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention (SHIP) research group- Research Centre for Health- School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University. In March 2024, I came to Glasgow on an…

That Fuzzy Feeling: Does brushing batter beneficial bacteria?

By Mark Butcher, PhD student in Oral Science with the Oral Science Research Group at the University of Glasgow. Mark has worked closely with Prof. Gordon Ramage since 2018 in the field of biofilm control and management across multiple disciplines such as oral healthcare, wound management, and marine biofouling.  Sensationalist title, I know. The spoiler…

“Advancing the Fight Against Wound Infections!”

Dr. Jontana Allkja, Postdoctoral research assistant Oral Sciences Research group, Dental School and Hospital, University of Glasgow. In collaboration with Prof. Gordon Ramage, Infection Prevention & Control, Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention Research Group, Research Centre for Health, School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University. Wound infections represent a significant problem within the…

A short interview with one of the SIREN study’s lead researchers, Professor Lesley Price

Interviewed by Dr Desy Nuryunarsih Professor Lesley Price is the lead of the Scottish arm of SIREN (SARS-CoV-2 immunity and reinfection evaluation).  SIREN is the UK-wide prospective longitudinal cohort study investigating the impact of detectable anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody on the incidence of COVID-19 in healthcare workers. I am delighted to have had the chance to conduct…

SHIP team’s Professor Kay Currie wins Sensational Supervision Award

Interviewed by Ayodeji Matuluko Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)’s Students’ Association hosts annual Teaching Awards to recognise staff across the University who have gone above and beyond to ensure that GCU students have a great learning experience. This year’s Teaching Awards took place online on Thursday 19th May 2022! The Awards are given in different categories,…

Blasting biofilms – how microbiology has shifted focus

In this month’s blog post, Dr William Johnston, a research assistant in Biological and Biomedical Sciences and a member of the SHIP team, outlines how biofilms are changing microbiology research. I have been involved in microbiology research since back in my undergraduate days here at GCU, where I was focussing on catheter-related bloodstream infections. After graduating…

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