“GCU offered a broad range of courses and had a great business school.”

2023 International Business graduate Jenna Boyd shares her insight into life at GCU and life after graduating from university.

I chose to study at GCU because…

It offered a broad range of courses and had a great business school.

The most important aspect of my university experience has been…

A semester abroad at Lock Haven University in my third year. It taught me so much about networking and the international side of business.

My biggest lesson learned so far is…

Don’t underestimate yourself.

I get my inspiration from…

Wanting to be someone I can be proud of.

My next steps look like…

A marketing internship with Red Bull.

You are most likely to bump into me…

In a bar celebrating finishing uni.

Thank you to Jenna for sharing her GCU experience, if you would like to share your #GCUGradStory visit: https://bit.ly/3C4zNqY 

For more information on how to apply to GCU visit: Undergraduate | GCU

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