New Resource List User Interface – FAQs

Screenshot taken from the new resource list user interface.

A screenshot of the new user interface

What’s happening?

The Resource List vendor is rolling out a new User Interface for Leganto (the Resource List system). The Library is currently reviewing the new interface in preparation for the switchover.

Why is this happening?

The Resource List vendor is introducing a new user interface to improve the user experience for students, academics, and librarians, aimed at enhancing the learning journey resulting in a cleaner and simplified interface. 

When will the new User Interface be implemented?

The new user interface will be available the week beginning Monday 24th June to coincide with the GCU Learn course rollover for the 2024-25 academic year.

How will these changes affect me?

You will notice a change to the look and feel of the Resource List system but most of the functionality will remain the same.  

Any lists that are already on the platform will still be available in the new user interface. In June, all existing resource lists will rollover to your new module codes as normal. Staff will not need to take any action unless they are creating a new list or updating their existing list.  

All links from GCU Learn will remain active. 

Staff will still be able to invite colleagues to collaborate on lists, add library content to their list, as well as freely available online content such as videos and podcasts.  

What has changed in the new User Interface? 

The new interface has been redesigned to have a simpler and cleaner look. For academic staff, there have been some developments to simplify user interactions with the platform, such as consolidating workflows and rebranding sections. 

Some changes you might notice are that the List Advisor is no longer available in the new interface, the way to view list analytics has changed, and that the ‘My Collection’ section has been renamed ‘Favourites’.  

Can I preview the new User Interface? 

Yes, you can see how your resource lists will look in the new interface by following the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to your current resource list on the platform 
  2. In the URL, update ‘readinglist’ to ‘nui’  
  3. You should now be able to view your list in the new user interface

Image showing two urls in a browser window. One has the words readinglist circled in red and the other has nui circled in red.

Will training and guidance be available for staff? 

Yes, staff guidance and how-to videos are now available on the library website

We will be holding Resource List training sessions on various dates between July – October. To sign up for a training course, please look out for the Creating Module Resource Lists sessions on the Library Events Calendar. 

How can I find out more?  

We’ll continue to update this blog as we review the new interface but if you’d like more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Resource List team at  

Resource List FAQs for 2024-25

For all academic staff, resource lists for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year are now available within GCULearn. The resource list team have created this FAQ blog post to help with any questions academic staff may have while reviewing or submitting their lists for the upcoming term.


Staff with existing lists:

I am not making any changes to my list, do I need to do anything else? 

If you are not making any changes or additions to your list, you do not need to do anything further. Your list will automatically appear in your GCULearn module site. 

Can my students see my list? 

All lists have been rolled over for the new academic year at a ‘Published’ status. This means that students will be able to see your list as soon as they have access to the module site. 

I am no longer the module leader for this course, what do I do? 

If we have contacted you regarding a list you are no longer related to, we ask that you or the new module leader please contact us at and we will be able to update your list. 

The module code has changed for this list, what do I do? 

If the module code for your list has changed, you can update this in the following way: 

  1. Click on the three dot icon next to your resource list title 
  2. Click on Manage link to module
  3. You can then remove any incorrect module codes and look up your new code in the search box 
  4. Once you click on a code it will add and save automatically

Alternatively, you can contact us at will all relevant information and we can make any changes on your behalf.  


 Staff creating new lists:

What can be added to my list? 

Almost anything! Staff are no longer restricted to just books and journal articles as was the case with older systems. Our Resource List system gives you the ability to cite a variety of resources such as podcasts, radio or video recordings, journal articles, websites, reports, ebooks or print books. You can find out how to add different resources to your list in our help guide and video 

What is the best way to structure my list? 

The Resource List system has three pre-set templates for structuring a list; by week (12 sections), by importance level (3 sections) or you may choose a blank template and create your own structure. While the decision of how to best structure a list ultimately lies with the individual, we recommend to academic staff that they align their list structure with how their course is taught. This may mean creating weekly sections, structuring by topic or subject area, or by resource type. You can find out how to add and edit sections in your list in our help guide and video. 

I am new to using the Resource Lists at GCU service, can I get training? 

Our team can offer online or in-person training at any time. If you are interested in booking training for yourself or a group of colleagues, please contact the team at to arrange. 

We  will be holding online training sessions on various dates between July – October. To sign up for a training course, please look out for the Creating Module Resource Lists sessions on the Library Events Calendar.


 General help:

I have submitted my changes, when will my list be ready? 

At the beginning of each term our resource list processing time is approximately four weeks. We endeavour to have any resource lists submitted prior to the submission deadline fully processed in time for the start of term.  

I’m having trouble finding resources for my module, can you help? 

The library is always available to assist you in finding suitable resources for your teaching. Please contact the Academic Librarian team for your subject area and they will be able to help you.  

Can I get usage statistics for my list?

Yes, the library can provide a range of usage statistics for your resource lists. If you’d like to find out more about this please contact the team at


Resource List Drop In Sessions – Tri C

The Resource List team will be running a series of drop in sessions for staff in the run up to Trimester C resource list submission deadline (6 April).

Resource Lists at GCU Drop in sessions, Come and ask us a question, We can help with: Creating and updating your resource list Duplicating your list Updating your module codes

If you have any questions about using the resource list platform, creating or updating your resource lists or would like to know more about how the library can help, please drop by. The sessions will be held on MS Teams and will run at the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday 7th March at 10am – 10:30am
  • Monday 13th March at 2pm – 2:30pm
  • Thursday 23rd March at 11am – 11:30am
  • Friday 31st March at 1pm – 1:30pm
  • Wednesday 5th April at 12pm – 12:30pm

You can join the drop in here: join the drop in now

If you would like to learn more about the Resource Lists at GCU service, please visit our website. Alternatively, you can contact the resource list team directly at

Extended Weekend Opening Hours – Trimesters A & B

You asked, and we listened!

We received feedback asking us to extend opening hours in the library at the weekend to offer greater flexibility for students with caring or work commitments. We are delighted to say that from now on for Trimesters A and B, we will be open from 10am until 11pm on Saturday and Sunday. In Trimester C the library will be open until 6pm at the weekend.

Business of Fashion Professional – new resource

The library is happy to announce access to the online resource Business of Fashion Professional.

Logo of the Business of Fashion website, the letters B, O and F in bold font.

The Business of Fashion is recognised around the world for its authoritative, analytical point of view on the $2.5 trillion global fashion industry. Their mission is simple: build fashion’s global membership community to open, inform and connect the industry.

Serving members in more than 125 countries, BoF combines independent, agenda-setting journalism with practical business advice, online learning, career-building tools and immersive events and experiences, powering positive change in fashion and the wider world.

Users can now access unlimited articles on the BoF website, as well as their case studies and online courses and more.

Users can find Business of Fashion directly on the Library’s Discover platform, by searching for “Business of Fashion” in the Database A-Z or by clicking here.

First time must users register here using their GCU email address. Users must choose Glasgow Caledonian University as your company when registering for an account in order to access the subscription.

If you have any queries about Business of Fashion, please contact the eresource team at


Zetoc service to be retired

JISC and the British Library have taken the decision to retire the Zetoc service from 1 August 2022.

This decision has been taken due to a progressive decline in its use and a diminishing number of users. In addition, the emergence of alternative services and changes to the way information is typically searched, means there is no longer a viable strategic case for Jisc to continue delivering this service.

Any users who are currently signed up to Zetoc should have already been contacted by Jisc and informed of their plans. From 1 August 2022 alerts from Zetoc will automatically stop and users will no longer be able to carry out searches.

If you have any particular queries, please contact

As an alternative to Zetoc, you may wish to use the online resource BrowZine. You can find out more information on this resource as well as help guides on our website.

Resource Lists@GCU feedback

The library recently ran a survey of staff and students on the performance of our Resource List at GCU service during the 2021-22 academic year. Gathering user feedback has been an integral part of growing the service since it was launched in 2019 and our wish is to use the feedback to improve the service for the upcoming academic year.  

We wanted to circulate some feedback we’ve received from our users in order to share some more information about the Resource List service and platform.  

Continue reading

Relax and Renew – the Library’s new wellbeing space

A new wellbeing space will be opening in the Sir Alex Ferguson Library on Wednesday 27th April at 2pm.
Located near the Library Desk on Level 0, the ‘Relax and Renew’ area will provide our staff and students with a relaxing, contemplative space where they can take a break from their work and studies and engage with others from the University community.
You can also browse and engage with a selection of resources related to wellbeing and mental health, including self-care resources and literature on hobbies and on non-academic based fiction and non-fiction topics.   You can browse our print collection here.
We are delighted to kick off our book of the month series with a recommendation from GCU student Rachel S. Tying in nicely with Stress Awareness Month, Rachel has recommended Be Well, Learn Well by Gareth Hughes

Be Well, Learn Well by Gareth Hughes: I really enjoyed Gareth Hughes book; Be Well, Learn Well! It’s packed with information on how to learn and improve our wellbeing, including staying motivated and different ways we can study for exams while looking after ourselves. I’d thoroughly recommend it, especially now with exam season coming up!You can check out our April book of the month online here.

Those who are not on campus can access wellbeing resources via the Library’s webpages.

If you have any ideas for events or would like to suggest an item to add to our wellbeing collection, please contact us at:

Staying Safe in the Library

After a year of booking spaces, swiping cards and social distancing we are thrilled to be opening the Library back up again for all. There are just a couple of things we need to be mindful of as we continue to keep each other safe. 


Masks must be worn at all times in the library unless you are medically exempt. They must be worn even when working at your desk. They can be removed when taking a bite of food or a sip of drink, but must be put back on when finished. 


Wipes and hand sanitiser will be freely available throughout the floors and we encourage all Library patrons to use these when working in the building. Our domestic staff will be conducting an enhanced cleaning regime throughout the day. 


While there are no social-distancing rules in place, we ask you to be respectful of the boundaries of other library users. Library staff will be working hard to keep the building safe so please ensure you treat them with the same level of respect. 

Following these three simple guidelines will help ensure the Library is a safe and comfortable place to work for all. If you choose not to follow these guidelines then you may be asked to leave. 

If at any point you feel uncomfortable you can speak to a member of the Library team using our chat service on the Library homepage or on our smart tables. 

If you require books but do not wish to enter the main Library floors then please use our Click and Collect service. 

We also have a limited number of bookable PCs if you wish to secure a study space in the Library before you arrive. 

If you’d like to discuss any of these guidelines then just reach out to us at or 0141 273 1000. 

We can’t wait to welcome you back!