Technical issue [Cite them right]

Please be aware that we are currently experiencing access issues to the resource Cite them right.

We are currently working with the publisher to resolve this issue ASAP and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


The vendor has issued the following advice on using Cite them right while the access issue is being addressed.

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Website information:

* We are aware of an issue with pages under two navigation menu links: ‘Choose Referencing Style’ and ‘Browse Categories’. We are working on a fix.

* Please use the search bar to find content you are looking for. All pages and articles with referencing guidance remain available. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Further to this, GCU users can access the ebook version via the Library’s webpages here:

If you are having any issues with online resources please contact the Electronic Resource Team at 

Resource List Drop In Sessions – Tri C

The Resource List team will be running a series of drop in sessions for staff in the run up to Trimester C resource list submission deadline (6 April).

Resource Lists at GCU Drop in sessions, Come and ask us a question, We can help with: Creating and updating your resource list Duplicating your list Updating your module codes

If you have any questions about using the resource list platform, creating or updating your resource lists or would like to know more about how the library can help, please drop by. The sessions will be held on MS Teams and will run at the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday 7th March at 10am – 10:30am
  • Monday 13th March at 2pm – 2:30pm
  • Thursday 23rd March at 11am – 11:30am
  • Friday 31st March at 1pm – 1:30pm
  • Wednesday 5th April at 12pm – 12:30pm

You can join the drop in here: join the drop in now

If you would like to learn more about the Resource Lists at GCU service, please visit our website. Alternatively, you can contact the resource list team directly at

Scheduled maintenance on BNF Online

Please be aware that there is scheduled maintenance to the British National Formulary online platform on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February, 7am – 7pm.

The vendor has made us aware that users may encounter brief periods of downtime and may be unable to access BNF Online during this time. This is to undertake essential infrastructure maintenance work on the platform and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you have trouble accessing any of our online resources, please contact the team at



Relax and Renew is feeling the love for February

What’s happening:  Welcome to Relax and Renew
When: February 15th – 1pm – 2pm
Where: Level 0, Sir Alex Ferguson Library

Enjoy free coffee & cakes and a warm welcome to the Relax and Renew space for Trimester B. Find out about different events we’ll be holding throughout the year and how you can get involved. Explore our Relax and Renew collection or just use the space to look after YOU @ GCU.

Technical issue [Construction on i-law]

We are currently experiencing access issues to the resource i-Law (Building Law Reports), this is due to problems with the platform at the publishers end.

We are currently working with the publisher to resolve this issue ASAP and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you are having any issues with online resources, please contact the Electronic Resource Team at 


Extended Weekend Opening Hours – Trimesters A & B

You asked, and we listened!

We received feedback asking us to extend opening hours in the library at the weekend to offer greater flexibility for students with caring or work commitments. We are delighted to say that from now on for Trimesters A and B, we will be open from 10am until 11pm on Saturday and Sunday. In Trimester C the library will be open until 6pm at the weekend.

SPORTDiscus – new online resource

The library is happy to announce access to a new online resource, SPORTDiscus with full text.

Banner logo reading "SPORTDiscus with full text, powered by EBSCOhost" and the image of a stylised arm throwing a discus.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text is an EBSCO database which provides bibliographic and full-text content for 660 sports and sports medicine journals. The subjects covered in the database include:

  • Athletic training
  • Coaching and education
  • Exercise science and fitness
  • Kinesiology
  • Nutrition
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Orthopedics
  • Physical education and therapy
  • Sociology of sports
  • Sport psychology
  • Sports injuries and rehabilitation

Users can find SPORTDiscus directly on the Library’s Discover platform, by searching for “SPORTDiscus” in the Database A-Z or by clicking here.

If you have any queries about using SPORTDiscus, please contact the Academic Librarian team. If you have any issues accessing the database, please contact the Electronic Resource Team at

Business Source Premier – New online resource

The library is happy to announce that it has now upgraded to the online resource Business Source Premier.

Banner logo that says "Business Source Premier, Powered by EBSCOhost" in blue text on a blue banner.

Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text access for more than 2,300 journals, including for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database also provides access to 8,225 business case studies, over 14,000 company profiles, 7,353 industry reports, over 75,000 videos and 5,298 SWOT analyses.

Users can find Business Source Premier directly on the Library’s Discover platform, by searching for “Business Source Premier” in the Database A-Z or by clicking here.

If you have any queries about using Business Source Premier, please contact the Academic Librarian team. If you have any issues accessing the database, please contact the Electronic Resource Team at

Author event – Rossie Stone

Author event - Rossie Stone QR code to scan to sign up, picture of the author and caption stating: Meet Rossie Stone (founder of Dekko comics) at our free workshop to find out how comics can help you to study better.

The creator and founder of Dekko Comics, Rossie Stone, will join us on the 9th of December from 4 pm till 6 pm for a live workshop focused on practicing alternative ways to learn.

You will gain useful tools for being better engaged in your learning environment. This workshop will be based on the fundamental technique on which Dekko Comics is built, which comes from Rossie’s experience of struggling at school with dyslexia and low self-esteem and how he overcame it.

This will be highly a practical, interactive workshop where Rossie will share his own story and teaches the art of transforming a distraction into a solution. 

Scan the QR code to sign up!

Business of Fashion Professional – new resource

The library is happy to announce access to the online resource Business of Fashion Professional.

Logo of the Business of Fashion website, the letters B, O and F in bold font.

The Business of Fashion is recognised around the world for its authoritative, analytical point of view on the $2.5 trillion global fashion industry. Their mission is simple: build fashion’s global membership community to open, inform and connect the industry.

Serving members in more than 125 countries, BoF combines independent, agenda-setting journalism with practical business advice, online learning, career-building tools and immersive events and experiences, powering positive change in fashion and the wider world.

Users can now access unlimited articles on the BoF website, as well as their case studies and online courses and more.

Users can find Business of Fashion directly on the Library’s Discover platform, by searching for “Business of Fashion” in the Database A-Z or by clicking here.

First time must users register here using their GCU email address. Users must choose Glasgow Caledonian University as your company when registering for an account in order to access the subscription.

If you have any queries about Business of Fashion, please contact the eresource team at